file containing the desired password in folders (and subfolders) you want to protect.nopassword
file in folders (and subfolders) you want to deprotect (in case of protected parent).nolist
file in folders you want to forbid the listing of.noshow
file in folders you don't want to appear in their parentsREADME.md
files in folders are interpreted and displayed on toppip install -r _sf/requirements.txt
to _sf/assets/style.css
to _sf/config/config.json
folder in the root folder you want to expose _sf/config.json
stupidCMS is a flat file stupid CMS with nice templating and caching engines.
) at the site root./config.php
and override default config (cf Overridable Configuration).html
<img src="{{FILE:file-name.jpg}}"/>
or <a href="{{FILE:file-name.pdf}}">the file</a>
(for example SITE_URL
){{IF:php expression}}content{{EIF}}
<?php global $stupid;?>
must be called to make the stupid engine available$stupid->__inc("page-name-without-html-extension")
Stupid Pages
are cached for performance optimization/config.php
, the cache is disabledhttp://site.com/admin
in browserScan
to populate the backend interfaceScan
to populate the backend interface/__templates
is editable as wellScan
, to clear the cacheDEVELOPMENT_MODE
, cache is disabled, therefore Clear
is not neededSave
button (or ctrl+shift+enter) save only the current content)***
: displays hintsDEVELOPMENT_MODE (false)
: no cache for easier developmentADMIN_PASSWORD ("password")
: has to be changedSITE_URL ("http://localhost")
: has to be set to the site root urlPAGE_404 (false)
: false
or the name of the 404 page (without extension)NO_SCAN_FOLDERS (none)
: folders not to scan when finding contents and filesSMTE_CACHE_ENGINE ("file")
: file
| redis
| none
: curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php && mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
cd ___stupid && composer install
Nice minimal setup for hostile environments :)
usermod -aG sudo username
: sudo ls
: export SSH_PASSPHRASE="12345" if SSH passphrase desired (more than 5 characters)username
: cd $HOME;sh <(wget -o /dev/null -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lucasmouilleron/Survival/master/debian.sh)
usermod -aG sudo username
: sudo ls
: export SSH_PASSPHRASE="12345" if SSH passphrase desired (more than 5 characters)username
: cd $HOME;sh <(wget -o /dev/null -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lucasmouilleron/Survival/master/macOS.sh)
Temporally give ssh access to your friends.
uses friends public keys to give them access to the computer.
When sshForFriends
has finished running, public keys are cleaned and friends can't access the computer anymore.
Public keys are fetched from known identity providers.
Tested on macOS and Ubuntu.
No password, no hastle, 100% SSH.
sshForFriends [OPTIONS] friendUsername
is the friend username which will be granted access (identity provider username)sshForFriends -h
for more usage helpcat $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
on your friend's machine (-r RSA_PUB_KEY
, -i github
, -i keybase
can use a public server for ssh forwading.-x
, -l
, -m
and -n
GatewayPorts yes
is set in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config
filesudo systemsetup -setremotelogin on
in one line : curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lucasmouilleron/sshForFriends/master/sshForFriends -o $HOME/sshForFriends ; chmod a+x $HOME/sshForFriends ; $HOME/sshForFriends -g lucasmouilleron
in one line : curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lucasmouilleron/sshForFriends/master/sshForFriends -o $HOME/sshForFriends ; chmod a+x $HOME/sshForFriends ; $HOME/sshForFriends -k lucasmouilleron
in one line : curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lucasmouilleron/sshForFriends/master/sshForFriends -o $HOME/sshForFriends ; chmod a+x $HOME/sshForFriends ; $HOME/sshForFriends -g -x lucasmouilleron.com -l sshtunnel -m 10022 lucasmouilleron
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lucasmouilleron/sshForFriends/master/sshForFriends -o $HOME/sshForFriends ; chmod a+x $HOME/sshForFriends ; $HOME/sshForFriends -r "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDqN4/IlNfY8I5AUYYnj9mieJ9Uyx4rMbZjxyukmwM1nqSpTmFBs5xdqtE1Qi1DDb6V0Nphua80GUxXfIiKmbJVuOnrBjX2qInwMPtFxJ0gr8adXYIamcCVylcCPm2qO418KQpuHNM1es5s0a2hzuuRCtw6trysq/SCSIp6o05OEdHP8CbfCdFA+P7sy99XHG3yGzqHdU0D04ScDePzm1buSOXqQRCrSkuLmRMBhtRQSj7UAI3IlRcF3tEFPqAywjwnZVIvv6fUoXnpJuoCzBPuJv5D5lo06xixwIvHc39t1r4Tv/OrD+EyWfPsmCpLGfEkMRBqmj/ds5c4y6NjO9cl" -x lucasmouilleron.com -l sshtunnel -m 10022 yourfriendname
A simple Spark REST boilerplate.
ant getDependencies
ant run
openssl genrsa -out private_key.pem 2048
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in private_key.pem -out private_key.der -nocrypt
openssl rsa -in private_key.pem -pubout -outform DER -out public_key.der
curl -k https://localhost:8080/login/ilovekate
curl -k --header "token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoidXNlcm5hbWUiLCJkYXRlIjoxNDQzNzgwODU3NDcyfQ.A6b6Hg1QyYgYUV8J9wff6SvclX90Ydmx6sd8OzTAXYJ6gLpkXMBaHvOLtyxu35hSiiVwrOljnfLSg__tlbzh6PG8KrMuezwCQHttnQzowfp5CxNWM5mEXcMjHiCMLGW3X_p5MV6hm7pe7M8aBDKlZj__OHEMPogFGSga5HhnRDnRfzY49cW9CgzdtfCY3c-wWwabyoy75kQTk5GG2KUOZPy5xKT9EJvL1JLlGKkCl4Il8zNGm2cpP68_hIqCohLqEfbMXjBdccYU7DsjQowBxtjQcZD92pu-6rHKhWcJVlNC32BqvPQXn5laKCm9Dpq703Km_IWvEPz0LPXDtIZ9Gg" https://localhost:8080/protected
requests so it workskeytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias sparkBoilerplate -keystore keystore -validity 3600 -keysize 2048
keytool -export -alias sparkBoilerplate -file certificate.crt -keystore keystore
keytool -keystore keystore -certreq -alias sparkBoilerplate -keyalg rsa -file certificate.csr
keytool -import -file certificate.crt -alias sparkBoilerplate -keystore truststore
keytool -list -v -keystore keystore
and host is localhost
Characterisation of the population of beings of Riverworld.
Riverworld is a fictional planet and the setting for a series of sci-fi books written by Philip José Farmer.
Riverworld is an artificial environment where all humans (and pre-humans) ever born who died after reaching 5 years old are reconstructed.
Most of the resurrected awaken in a body equivalent to that of their 25 year old selves, in perfect health and free of any previous genetic or acquired defects.
A friend of mine made fun of the book concept and claimed half of the beings ressucitated would be prehistorical.
This project is proving him wrong.
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt --user
brew cask install wkhtmltopdf
apt-get install wkhtmltopdf
python riverworld.py min|max|avg|future
python riverworld.py min;python riverworld.py max;python riverworld.py avg;python riverworld.py future
Youtube to animated meme generator.
brew install ffmpeg
brew install libtool
brew install imagemagick --build-from-source
brew install automake
git clone git@github.com:pornel/giflossy.git && cd giflossy && autoreconf -i && ./configure && make && make install
sudo pecl install imagick
vi /etc/php.ini
and add extension=imagick.so
cd libs/youtubeToGif && npm install
php cmd.php A7TaY8HWYd8 71 5 "PRETTY GOOD JUNIOR" 500 BOTTOM
php cmd.php 6Hn8qnsucwo 30 5 "PRETTY ... PRETTY ... PRETTY ... PRETTY ... PRETTY GOOD" 500 TOP
php cmd.php puo1Enh9h5k 49 2 "ROMANO LE RELOU" 500 BOTTOM
cd server
npm install
node server/app.js
A simple web folder.
For Apache web servers.
file containing the deisred password in folders (and subfolders) you want to protect.nopassword
file in folders (and subfolders) you want to deprotect (in case of protected parent)README.md
files in folders are interpreted and displayed on top cd _sf;composer install
folder in the root folder_sf_assets
folder in the root folder_sf_shares
folders for shares to be activated.htaccess
file in the root folder/_sf
and override configs defined in _sf/config.php
and override styles